
2000 Apartments Are Sold for Foreigners a Year


More and more apartments are bought by foreigners in Hungary year by year; currently around 2000 apartments are sold to them each year. 

According to the data of real estate agency network Duna House an increasing trend was shown in the market in the past 2-3 years: in 2012 420 and in 2014 525 apartments were sold to foreign buyers.

Far Easterners Spend HUF 26.7 Million on an Apartment

Most foreign buyers (45 percent of all the buyers) comes from the EU, they are followed by Ukrainians and Russians (30 percent), Far Easterners (15 percent) and Middle Easterners (10 percent). Far Easterners spend the most on apartments – HUF 26.7 million –, Russians and Ukrainians are the second on the list with HUF 23.3 million, they are followed by the Middle Easterners with HUF 16.8 million and EU citizens with HUF 14.8 million.

Foreigners Can Buy Hungarian Property up to 46 Percent Cheaper

There’s good news for foreign buyers: they can buy Hungarian property cheaper than 7 years ago: since the Hungarian forint got weaker, those who pay for the apartment in EUR or USD can get it for 30 and 46 percent less than in 2008.



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