
All Properties for Sale in Budapest

2 347 700 EUR
Ref. 374027
District 12 Bedrooms: 6 455 sqm
1 192 900 EUR
Ref. 142700
District 6 Bedrooms: 3 188 sqm
1 200 000 EUR
Ref. 60720
District 6 Bedrooms: 2 100 sqm
1 000 000 EUR
Ref. 6170
District 6 Bedrooms: 3 197 sqm
327 400 EUR
Ref. 937406
District 8 Bedrooms: 3 93 sqm
1 390 900 EUR
Ref. 333060
District 12 Bedrooms: 4 222 sqm
126 600 EUR
Ref. 23245
District 8 Bedrooms: 4 80 sqm
456 900 EUR
Ref. 780233
District 6 Bedrooms: 1 100 sqm
1 078 700 EUR
Ref. 927744
District 12 Bedrooms: 3 147 sqm
261 100 EUR
Ref. 810935
District 6 Bedrooms: 1 41 sqm
505 100 EUR
Ref. 63152
District 5 Bedrooms: 3 125 sqm

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